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- Stabilizing Someone with Unregulated Moods / Thoughts (Step 2)309.24 KBPreviewEmotiveImaginitiveMood DisorderThought DisorderAfter we have identified specific sensory stimuli and social interactions that have a calming or an energizing effect on our loved one (using the Gathering Clues Worksheet in Step 1), we want to intentionally include these in the home environment and in the daily routine. Social rhythm therapy seeks to stabilize someone’s circadian rhythm by structuring (and creating consistency) in a person’s wake / sleep, activity / rest, and social interaction / alone time.
- Steps to Stabilize Someone with a Mood or Thought DIsorder309.14 KBPreviewEmotiveImaginitiveMood DisorderThought DisorderIt is difficult to know what to do when a loved one has intense mood swings and / or experiences hallucinations, delusions, or psychotic episodes.
the first step is simply to gather clues.
We are observing to see “what works” – what stimuli or activities seem to naturally have a positive effect on our loved one.
This data will help is step two, where we start to introduce changes in their environment and daily routine. - Why Project Based Learning Works137.41 KBPreviewAdultChildrenTeensA brief description on why project based learning is a more effective approach to learning for anyone of at any age.
- Stabilizing Someone with Unregulated Moods / Thoughts (Step 2)309.24 KBPreviewEmotiveImaginitiveMood DisorderThought DisorderAfter we have identified specific sensory stimuli and social interactions that have a calming or an energizing effect on our loved one (using the Gathering Clues Worksheet in Step 1), we want to intentionally include these in the home environment and in the daily routine. Social rhythm therapy seeks to stabilize someone’s circadian rhythm by structuring (and creating consistency) in a person’s wake / sleep, activity / rest, and social interaction / alone time.
- Steps to Stabilize Someone with a Mood or Thought DIsorder309.14 KBPreviewEmotiveImaginitiveMood DisorderThought DisorderIt is difficult to know what to do when a loved one has intense mood swings and / or experiences hallucinations, delusions, or psychotic episodes.
the first step is simply to gather clues.
We are observing to see “what works” – what stimuli or activities seem to naturally have a positive effect on our loved one.
This data will help is step two, where we start to introduce changes in their environment and daily routine. - Why Project Based Learning Works137.41 KBPreviewAdultChildrenTeensA brief description on why project based learning is a more effective approach to learning for anyone of at any age.
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